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During your stay, treat yourself to a relaxing break with a massage performed by Aline or awaken your senses during a creative & fun workshop.

Tune in

a well-being break!

During your stay, Mas la Marchette offers you well-being massages with Aline, a certified practitioner.

The massages are personalized and listen to your body.


Relaxing green massage provides a moment of deep relaxation and letting go. The fluidity of the enveloping and comforting gestures will promote well-being and muscle and nervous relaxation.

Full body massage or adapted to your needs.


Firm and gentle massage after sports. The tonicity of the movements allows the elimination of toxins and thus promotes blood circulation to relieve aches and cramps.

Full body massage or adapted to your needs.

Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 logo Huna Mana
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 logo Huna Mana
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 logo Huna Mana

60 MIN / 60 € - 90 MIN / 90 € - espèces ou CB

Please book your massage with Sandrine

All massages are non-therapeutic and non-sexual in nature. Practiced on the table in compliance with health and hygiene rules and the privacy of the people being massaged. Propos'Nature brand vegetable oils are of natural origin, certified organic and respect your health.

Soak up this atmosphere where trees, flowers, birds, light and natural elements live in perfect symbiosis.

Services must be booked with Sandrine, during your stay at Mas la Marchette or before your arrival.

leather workshop price: from €20

tasting workshop price: from €25

Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 massage prodigué par Aline
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 la boutique du mas la Marchette
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 accord vin et thé
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 atelier autour du thé
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 atelier thé
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 dégustation thé
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 photo réalisée par Bruno Berenguer
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 écrémeuse dérivée pour le vin
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 atelier dégustation vin
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 atelier dégustation vin
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 dégustation chez un vigneron
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 logo la sérine des Aspres

you admire a color,

you breathe a scent,

you taste a flavor,

you feel a pleasure, an emotion,

you find familiarity,

discover something new, a difference,

a stranger,

wine, spirits, tea reveal you

their inexhaustible polysensory universe,

where “the heart has its reasons which reason does not

knows nothing” (Pascal).

listen and awaken your senses, your memory, your


time for a tasting....


Our Workshops



Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 Aline, massage  HunaMana
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 porte bouteille cuir
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 pochette en cuir
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 porte monnaie en cuir
Mas la Marchette chambre et table d'hôtes Oms 66 barettes

Leather creations

invent & create your first leather work in a simple, fun way. A new talent is born.

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